29855 HWY 34 SW
Albany, OR 97321
(3 miles east of Corvallis)
Sun: 12pm - 5pm
Mon: 10am - 6pm
Tues: 10am - 5pm
Wed: 10am - 5pm
Thur:10am - 5pm Fri: 10am-6pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm
Back in the early 1970’s, as a new college graduate, Ron Loe was working as a factory representative for a wood products mill. In his travels around companies throughout Oregon, he witnessed the production of furniture substituting particleboard and plastic for higher quality (and cost) real wood.
Ron believed the cost/quality tradeoff was a fool’s bargain. He was convinced that he could build real wood furniture for discriminating buyers willing to pay a bit more for quality, long-lasting furniture built here in the US. Ron’s passion for building fine wood furniture had begun.
Hence, following their Norwegian and American ancestors furniture building tradition, in April of 1978, Ron and Shirley Loe started Wood Castle Furniture with the help and support of his parents, Ralph and Rita Loe. The retail store opened shortly thereafter in October.
From a garage in Corvallis, Oregon then… to an 11-acre factory and showroom campus in nearby Albany now, Wood Castle has grown steadily. The company now employs over 40 employees to craft the finest bedroom and occasional table furniture for both retail and commercial clients.

Ron Loe, Founder and President; Mike Alexander, CFO;
Frank Schoorl, Production Manager... Way back when!